Dec 24, 2010

About HIV : Prevent of AIDS, Syimptoms, Treatment And Cure of AIDS


Full Name:- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

It is caused by a virus name as ‘HIV’. First this virus attacks the immune system in our body. Then make the body vulnerable to many kind of dangerous infections or diseases, even cancer. When somebody get infected by the HIV virus, his immune system goes damage. As the virus progress goes high- it makes the loss of white blood cells in our bodies. It means immune system gets mostly damage. It makes an ‘Anti-body’ that fights against our body. So it’s clear that this time the immune systems are no more able to fight against our infections or germs. After few weeks or months they get other infections too in their bodies. And its one type of cancer too. So here we all clear about that, AIDS is a cause of HIV infection. The researchers says, many people who already infected by HIV, remain healthy for a long time. They become sick after a many years.

HIV Found from: Saliva, Tears, Fluid, Blood contact, Semen, the milk from breast etc. If any mother get HIV infected in her body, then it can be spread her child too from her breast milk. Needle or blood sharing is also one of the reasons of spreading the infection. In operation (when need blood) and any blood donation or sharing program is most dangerous. Researchers say, the sexual contact with a ‘HIV’ infected person is one of the main reasons of spreading the infection.

HIV Infection Is Safe By Following Matter:

• Hugging each other.
• From mosquito’s bite
• If you touch the things any HIV infected person touched it previously.
• When playing a team game and there is a HIV infected player in the team.
• Hand shaking with each other.
• Talking with any infected person.


We already know that AIDS is a cause of HIV infection. If someone have this infection and do not treat yet, then his immune system become very slow and probably damage. Sometime it is undetectable when attack in our body. No symptoms observe since many years (8-10). Here I found few common symptoms of AIDS:
• Sudden fevers
• Chills (coldness)
• Feeling weakness
• Losing weight and feeling sick
• A little pain in lower bally
• Loose motion
• Headache

Most of HIV infected people face this type of symptoms after getting AIDS.

Treatment of AIDS:

• Consult with a good doctor and take the appropriate drugs that fight against the HIV virus. And stop reproducing the virus any more.
• Antiretroviral therapy (Anti-HIV) must be use to prevent the reproduction of HIV virus. Also slow down the further activities of the infection.
• Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is very important to reduce the number of infection found in blood.

First of all emotional support need for the patient with AIDS. They need to help by other people around him or her. Don’t lose your hope after a few days treatment. Remember there is not appropriate cure for AIDS. If it is found early, then it is trying able.

How To Prevent HIV:

• Consult with a doctor or a senior person about HIV, who have good knowledge of it.
• Never take drugs by injection.
• Don’t share needles. Use each syringe for one person.
• Who have HIV positive and may spread the virus to others, do not donate your blood, plasma, organs, and sperm. Use full masks (medicated).
• Don’t try to hide about HIV if you are infected. Tell your partner about it and avoid physical activities without condoms.
• Avoid breast feeding to new born child if you have HIV. It is better if you check up about the infection before your pregnancy.
• Use protection such as good condoms during the time of sex.
• Avoid anal sex and the partner who already engage with many sexual partners.
• Stop drinking alcohol or smoking.

There is more reason and more protection for this deadly virus. I will update this thread with more details later.


Dec 15, 2010

Elderly People Diet: What Should be The Diet Plan at Older Age

All those elderly people who passed 45-48 years, they need a proper diet to keep them healthy and well. We notice few physically changes start from this age or more by time. Our BMI or metabolic rate goes slow than past. Decreased the amount of calories their body needs. Decreasing calories it means, they need to make a new diet chart and exercise with the appropriate food contains to maintain or balance it. Although, few elder people, not be able to get the sufficient calories. If they suffer this problem continuously, faces many problem as Depression, Chronic fatigue, Hypertension or Hypotension and their body goes too weak by days. Most pf people in this age, takes less protein from their prefer foods. This is a problematic for digestion, oral problem and dental diseases. This entire elder problem can solve if we follows a proper diet chart with few exercise.

Diet with Fiber related food

It’s recommended to add high fibre foods in our diet chart at age. When we face the digestive problem by age over 45-50 years, we need to take few high fibre foods to control this change of digestive system. Because high fibre foods probably good for our digestion. Its make a flat stomach too by cutting extra fat from our bodies. There are few other benefits taking high fibre foods. Taking fibre foods reduces the chances of high cholesterol, obesity, digestion, cardio-vascular problem, blood sugar, cancers, diabetes and as anti-fat. But remember one more thing; drink a lot of fresh water with fibre food diet.

Do Regular Physical Exercise

At the age of 45-50, most of us takes retire from work. But all those elderly people have to keep up their physical activity. Most people do their physical activity too less, that they face many breathing problem, blood pressure, heart related problem. Forget about this problem. Just do regular physical activity or free hand exercise at home. Do 30 minutes morning or evening walk 4-5 day in week. Maintain your garden. Use bicycle to go nearest market or friend’s home. Physical activities keep your blood pressure normal and your body fitness under control. Also keep your mind fresh as whole day and sleep well.

How Much Calorie Need for an Elder Person?

People start to lose their strength of muscle at this age. Reason is nothing but no or very few physically activity. Wrong diet is one of the reasons for it. Most of people don’t know properly about what kind of food they should eat and how much. So they get lack of vitamins, minerals and proteins in their body. But at this age, people need all required vitamins, protein and mineral. And of course need to arrange the required calories from food. Elderly people (for Male), who are running in 40-60 age, need around 2500 calories in a whole day. People after 60 years old and till the age of 75, need around 2300 calories in a whole day. For elderly female person need around 1930 calories at the age of 20-55, and at the age of 60-75, they need around 1875 calories.

Few Importance Tips to Do at This Age:

• First of all I want to say, make a clear diet chart with physical activity.
• Try to avoid foods contain fat and high in cholesterol.
• Do not eat any type of oily or fry food as fried rice, fried chicken, tanduri etc. Take fibre food as much you can. All those foods are good that is easy for digestion.
• Do regular free hands exercise at least 30 mins in a day.
• Make a habit of morning or evening walk.
• Stay out of any tension and hard work. Continue tension may cause of increase or decrease blood pressure. Also you can fall in any mental problem or psychiatric problem with continue tension.
• Stay out of quarrel with someone in family or friends to keep your mind well always.
• Drink a lots of fresh water, fruit juice and vegetable soup (home made is well).
• Don’t be alone since a long time.

Dec 10, 2010

Control Your Blood Pressure: High Blood Pressure and Low Blood Pressure

What is Blood Pressure:

Blood Pressure is a force which is created by our heart when it pumps or pushes blood in to the arteries. It means when our heart pumps, then blood flows through the arteries or blood vessels. It is necessary to check our blood pressure very often. You can check it at your home. Keep it mind, if your blood pressure goes high or low, then check when you are much relaxed and easy. At the time of checking blood pressure, we take only two readings. One is upper as Systolic Pressure (Heart Beats) and other is Lower as Diastolic Pressure (Rest time between each heart beats). The number of Systolic Pressure is 120-139 and the Diastolic Pressure is 80-89.

Normally we face two type of problem, one is call ‘High Blood Pressure’ or ‘Hypertension’ and other is ‘Low Blood Pressure’ or ‘Hypo-tension’.

What is High Blood Pressure:

Some times our heart makes more force to pump same quantity of blood by the same period of time. If this force or the pressure of blood increase and stay higher by the time, it can harm in our body. If we do not take care of it, then we have to face many dangerous problems in our body. High Blood Pressure is such a things that can be the reason of Heart Attack, Stroke, Kidney Failure and many other heart disease.

This is called a Silent Killer (Hypertension). Because if we have this problem since many years, and we are unable to know about this, then we may get heart attack, stroke, damage of kidney etc. Most of us suffering with this problem. Maximum person feels this problem because of eating extra salt in food, smoking a lot, and the extra fat in their body or over weight.

How To Control High Blood Pressure:

1. First of all the genetic factor is one the reason for our blood pressure high or low. I noticed that, all those people who suffering through this problem are mostly in same family members.

2. Make a routine of regular walk and exercise program in 5-6 days in a week. Exercise at least 30 minutes in a day. With this the blood pressure will be under control by you. If your blood pressure is very high, then do not excess exercise or hard work. Start with light free hand worm up exercise. Remember exercise makes your blood pressure more high for sudden period of time.

3. Avoid salt when you taking food. Most of us mix salt in food to get a good test. But eating extra salt is a result of increasing the chances of blood pressure high.

4. Avoid or stop eating red meat, such as goat, beef, pig etc. Few lean meat can be taken as chicken.

5. Stop smoking totally.

6. Stop eating all those food that contains high fat or calorie. Avoid this type of food, ice cream, any fry food, oily food, butter, the yellow part of egg, few fishes etc. Try to take green vegetables more.

High blood pressure is such a condition, if we once fall on it, then it can suffer a long period of life. Although, we can prevent this problem with a good action or procedure by physician.

What is Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension?

If someone’s blood pressure shows 90-60 mmHg or bellow, then it is call Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension.
It’s happen when the force of blood in to the arteries or blood vessels comes to be low than normal condition.

Few Common Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure:

• Dizziness

• Faint

• Depression

• Your vision becomes blurred.

• Feeling weakness most of time in a day.

• Nausea

• Breathing problem

• Thirsty

• Sleeping more

And many other problems we feel if we have low blood pressure or hypotension.

Why Low Blood Pressure?

• If we loss few excess weight suddenly in our body, then it may the reason of being low blood pressure.

• Wrong diet process.

• If we lost huge amount of blood by any reason or accident.

• If the internal bleeding in to kidney, bladder goes slow.

• Another reason is, if we suffering any frustrated or disappointed matter for a brief period of times, then the blood pressure comes down.

• Eating less food than our body needs to keep running the BMI system.

Proper Treatment and The Tips To Do:

• Drink 5-6 glass of water which contains, some sugar and salt. This drink keep the pressure of blood high.

• Make a habit of regular physical exercise. But do it with few light free hand exercise.

• Mix some salt in the hot water and take a bath with it. It will relief you for few times.

• Eat protein related food as much you can. Vitamin also need at this condition. Specially vitamin C and the ‘B’ complex vitamins.

• Try to do normal breathing all that time.

• Don’t tension about any matter. Be more positive minded with only positive thinking.

• Avoid hard work

• Don’t ride any high tools or land

• Stop drive car with very low blood pressure.

First of all if you feeling or suffering any of this blood pressure problem, consult with your doctor immediately.

~ Shamik ~

Dec 6, 2010

Go Ahead, have A Good Cry

Many of us don’t know that tear has a good effect in our eyes. Tear away besides lubricating the eye and flushing away debris, tears work as the same in the eye that blood does elsewhere in the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing waste products. Tears also improve the image that forms on the retina by smoothing any irregularities on the surface of the eyeball. That’s why all those people with dry eyes may have blurry vision. Tears are a defence mechanism as well their antibodies, enzymes, and other immune components help to protect eyes against micro organisms.

There is much different kind of Tears in our life.

Continues or basal tears are produced for basic eye function, such as lubrication. Reflex or irritant tears occur when the eye is exposed to excessive light, cold, heavy wind, a foreign body, irritating gas(as from cut onions). Psychogenic tears are shed for emotional reasons.

So why do human cry?

I found many of experts to say, crying is a way to communicate needs and elicit attention from others, at least in early life. It release the emotional tension of life. From the research 1980s, psychogenic tears is different in composition from other tears, and its theorized that crying may be a way to rid the body of stress-related chemicals. Boys and girls cry in equal frequency. Women reportedly cry more than men. But how people express emotions, in general, depends largely on cultural and psychological factors.

The Importance of Ginger in Our Health and Life

This is a very common and useful food in the world. It is very effective in our life, include our health. It used in cooking and herbal medicine around the world. Ginger contains many interesting compounds. We are using it daily basis.The best known of these are called gingerols, which produce the hot sensation in mouth. As well as the pungent flavour and aroma. Fresh ginger or powder, adds a unique zest to many of our dish.

After a long time research, the researchers find some important compounds in ginger.

I am providing some recent finding in ginger:

• Ginger has anti-cancer properties. For instance, researchers at the University of Michigan recently found that it keeps ovarian cancer cells in bay-in test tube. This is a long way from saying the ginger can prevent cancer in humans, however.

• It can inhibit the growth of bacteria. For example, in one lab study, it reduced H. pylori, the bacteria in the stomach responsible for most ulcers and possibly stomach cancer.

• In another study says, people with asthma who took ginger reported fewer symptoms, but tests found no changes in lung function.

• Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and thus may be useful as an arthritis remedy.

• Ginger does appear to relieve the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, motion sickness and chemotherapy. If you want to try ginger for nausea and vomiting, you can buy ginger capsules. But keep in mind, large doses of ginger may cause indigestion and nausea, rather than curing them. You can try as candied ginger or ginger in tea. Most bottle ginger in market also contains a little amount of ginger or no real ginger. So be care to buy.

The Importance of Coffie and Tea in Our Life

Let’s discuss something about Coffee and Tea. These two things are most useable drink in the world after fresh water. It may be good for everything from your liver to brain. I am sharing with you with the latest experiment of these two drinks.

For Diabetes

Since 2002, more than 20 studies have suggested that coffee help us to reduce diabetes. I got an important information where, American Diabetes Association said’ “Drinking brewed coffee in moderate amounts in a day, may be beneficial for reducing chances of getting diabetes. Because we already know that coffee contains Caffeine. And this caffeine does not explain all of the effects. There is some other compound in brewed coffee that has healthful effects.

Dec 1, 2010

How to Take Care of Your Heart

I am talking here Not only our body. Heart is a door of our life. Till then it remains open, we alive and when it shut down, we dies. Our life are passing through this door. Heart constant tell us that we are still alive. He sounds like, bip-bip-bip like a wall clock. Lets discuss what is heart and why.

Human heart consist of four room,two upper & two lower. Upper two (small) called right & left Olinda and lower two right & left Niloy. Unpurified blood (with carbon dy oxide) of human body comes right side of heart through different vein. From there goes to lungs (Fusfus). Lungs makes it purified with oxygen & again send it to left side of heart. Then heart make pump the purified blood to the entire cell of body through artery. Thus we can leave. This pumping of heart called as Heart bit. Blood goes slightly to heart by every pumping and each pumping (trembling) is Pulse. Doctors count it from the wrist and hear by stethoscope.

A chart of pulse rate different

Bhrune : 140-150 times per minute
Children of one year : 115-130 times per minute
Children of two year : 100-115 times per minute
Children of three years : 95-100 times per minute
Children of 7 – 14 years : 80-90 times per minute
After 15 years : 70-80 times per minute
Old age : 75-80 times per minute

Heart bit of average people are 50-56. A good hear goes slowly and same rate. A good heart does not go high suddenly due to any laborious work. Heart runs quickly when anyone become angry, hard work, low pressure of oxygen, high fever, much carbon di oxide in blood., and on sleeping time and high blood pressure heart runs slowly. Even it may stop for ever, without giving any notice.


Some times fat and other oily things including cholesterol store in the inner wall of Artery, this position is called as ATHEROSCLEROSIS. This stored things called ATHROMA or PLUCK. This PLUCK destroys the wall of Artery. Resulting elasticity of artery became lesser. Blood circulation obstructed The Pluck became thicker,,. blood could not runs easily to heart. Finally started chest pain.


Nothing.Could not understand before starting chest pain. Some times Doctors could understand by hearing heart bi and counting pulse rate.


* Cigarette totally stopped.
* Checking of regular blood pressure and treatment if require.
* Don’t gain weight.
* Less saturated food.
* Take medicine if cholesterol high.
* If not recover, then Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery.


Other Name:- Coronary Artery Disease.

What is This :- In case of hard labour or Tension, heart bit rate increase and become quicker. Then sufficient blood could not flowed to heart through Coronary Artery. Start chest pain. If you take a good rest, the pain remove after a while. This is call Stable Angina.

Why:- When Atherosclerosis and infection seen.

Symptom: We can feel a pain in centre position of chest, or slight left side, left hand and back portion. Some time it is upper portion of abdomen. It stay 5-15 minutes. The pain automatically removed after some times. The pain type is like acidity.


Due to lack of proper treatment in Stable Angina, the density and duration of pain increase. No relief comes ever after rest. In absence of immediate and proper treatment, with in few of hours Heart Attack happen.

What To Do:

* Take a good rest.
• Don’t ignore it.
• Immediate keep a Nitro-glycerine tablet (Sorbitrate) bellow your tongue.

Treatment: Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (C.A.B.G) or, Balloon Angioplasty.


Doctor’s Name:-

Myocardial Infarction.

What is This :-

Supply of oxygen in heart muscle stop and all the cells there die. It is heart attack.

Why :-

Mostly happen for Atherosclerosis. When Coronary Artery totally blocked, the blood could not flown to heart muscle. Then heart could not pump any more. 80% people suffered Stable Angina before that.


Start chest pain more high and a longer period of time. In addition, breathing problem, feeling of tiredness, body sweaty, mouth dried. Somehow the chest pain is not much. Like acidity problem, chest burn and feeling vomiting. It can be dangerous if we feel this is reason of some acidity problem.

What to Do:

* Stop your present work immediately.
• Come to lying position.
• Don’t go to the bath room or toilet.
• Take a Nitro-glycerine tablet just bellow your tongue. Wait for 5 minutes. If no relief yet, then take another Nitro-glycerine tablet bellow in your tongue. If the situation remains the same, then take another Nitro-glycerine tablet bellow in your tongue. And call a good doctor immediately.
• Don’t drive car himself.
• Start Cardiac Message.
• Don’t take any pain killer without doctor’s advice.
• Alcohol and Smoking totally stopped.


Immediate take nearest hospital and admit to I.C.C.U. Do not late the patients may die.


What it is:-

Problem to creation pulse beat, obstacle to flowing.

Why it is : -

Because of coronary attack disease, Myocarditis, Rheumatic fever.


To feel dizzy, Faint, Looking darkness all around your eyes. Pulse beat goes bellow 50.

What to do:-

* Do not go outside when alone.
• Avoid road and rail line.
• Avoid up and down to the stair case.
• Immediately call doctor.
• To take ECG, which tell the accurate position. If you take Pace Maker fast, it may totally solve instant.


What it is:-

If left side of heart pumping less, then seeing cardiac asthma In this stage water stored in


Sweating and breathing problem arises at bed time or lying position.

What to do:-

* Do not keep yourself at lying position.

• Don’t go to bath room.
• Don’t go to bed immediately after taking food.


As per heart failure, take some bronco dilator medicine.

Paroxysmal tachycardia

What it is:-

Heart beat become quicker. Specially in upper room. Some times it may seen 140-220/ minutes.


Feeling palpitation, duration at least 15 minutes or more and remove automatically.

What to do:-

* Don’t ignore it.
• Stop walking or running. Sit somewhere and take a rest.
• Immediately take one Quinidine (200mg) or Norpace (100mg) capsule. If necessary take 2 or 3 caps.

TEST: ECG and cardiac monitoring.


What it is:-

When heart could not pump blood to lungs or often parts of body.

Why it is:-

Because of rheumatic valve defeat, From coronary inefficacy, High blood pressure.


Mainly acute breathing problem. In left sided failure. No acute breathing trouble in right side failure.

What to do:-

* Don’t do any kind of labour.
• Don’t eat salt.
• Try to lose your extra weight.
• Treatment of hypertension, ischemia and your valve.
• Alcohols and Smoke totally prohibited.


What it is:- Irregular heart beat. If it is quicker (more than 100), then it is tachycardia. If it is in lesser (less than 60), then it is bradicardia.

Why it is:- Normally in coronary artery disease. Increase In exercise or tention.

Symptom:- Suddenly heart fail.

Cardiac Arrest

What it is:- When stop pumping of heart.

Why:- In Myocardial infraction. Stopping of breathing. Electric shock, Body temperature much less, abnormal bleeding, Overdose medicine.

Symptom:- Sudden faint, absences of pulse, breathing totally stopped.

Rheumatic valve disease and congenital heart disease (paediatric)

Disease of valve and heart muscle.

Symptom:- Pain in throat. It is necessary to go to doctor in case of fever and tonsils problem to child and growing age. Breathing problem since childhood.

Treatment:- Only to replace to valve.

Precaution:- Keep your child to dry and lighted place. Give good food (with sufficient food valve).

There are many more problem about heart. If any of you feel any problem related your heart, contact with your doctor immediately and consult about the problem.

Main resources and risk of heart disease.

1. To store fat in belly and hip.
2. Normal cholesterol and Triglyceride maintain.
3. Smoking
4. Excessive alcohol
5. Blood pressure
6. Uric Acid
7. Chronic bronchitis
8. Disparity of human.

Heart and Diabetes

Many a man has heart disease and blood sugar simultaneously. Sugar should be kept in normal. Other wise heart disease increase. Don’t stop medicine or insulin.

Heart and Thyroid

Hypo and hyper thyroids both are dangerous. Take eltroxin(Thyroid Tablet) in correct dose .
If it is more, heart beat quicker.

To Avoid Heart Diseases - Do or Not to Do

First avoid following food:-

Fat, Cold drink, Chocolate, Ice cream, Alcohol, Smoking (possibility of heart disease 50% remove if do not smoke), Sugar etc.


1. If 1000 mg vitamin 'C' taken daily, 25 - 40% possibility of heart diseases removed.
2. Eat low calorie food. Fiber related food like vegetables, bread etc should be taken.

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